NJC choir- Soundscape 2006- 31March.
Well, I guess only Kenneth will understand how I feel b'cos we are in the same boat.
Last night was great!! Spending time with this very special group of friends is simply, great. Attended the NJC choir's concert and I must say, it really churned up my thinking pot. After the choir sang their first song..my mind went like, "Why the hell am I in JJ? Why didn't I go NJ? "
Oh well, one thing for sure, Soundscape made Kenneth and I watched with envy...envy each and single one of them on stage who gets to sing with so many people and with such nice chords. Sigh...seriously, I am regretting for not trying to appeal into NJ then. My L1r5 was just one point away from it's cut-off. I could have got in through choir. But why didn't I.....oh well, what's the point of saying all this now.
I am not saying that I don't like my girls in jj choir now, they are all nice. But it's just that the feeling is entirely different.
Hm..Anyway, my voice went hoarse after the endless shoutings to support Xiao Hui, Royston and Dewei, but I don't mind. Ha!!
After the concert, we waited for them to have a chat, the walk out from NJ main gate to the bus stop was good when we had plenty of laughs, other than the "mistake" xh and roy made on the hawaiian guy!!-.- HA!!
Well, royston is still as funny and cute, Xiao Hui is still as pretty and De Wei is still as shy and funny at time!!=)

NJ choir


XIAO HUI! with her acapella group, Neptune=) Oh my!! Xiao Hui is no longer the girl who screeched at high notes ok! She sang this really seductive, jazz line last night that I believe, sent many guys melting=X

De Wei!! the SC of NJ choir!! haha..he really has that 'seh'=)

Janet and I.

Whilst waiting for their debrief to end, we were laming around. I look...er...

I am unwillingly putting the photo of this flabby guy here=X

The supporters.

The guys.

The girls.

Us!! From left: Royston, Janet, Xiao Hui, Me, Kenneth, Schumann and Dewei!!
Long live to our friendship ppl!
*p.s: was chatting with kathleen and told us about this event, she was kinda surprised that we are still so on!!
Shayna sang @ 7:15 PM