Ta-da! the weekends are here and if there weren't any homework for me to complete, I would have gladly placed a smiley after this sentence. Perhaps more than one.
The j2s had the very first practice with our new conductor yesterday. I must admit, it was sort of a "culture-shock" to me since his way of teaching is very much different from June. 24 March 2006 was also the first time ever in my life that I was "demoted" from a Soprano to a Tenor-.-
He first started the practice by testing our voice with a few notes and appointed us with different sections. For a moment, I felt as if we were all in a cartoon world with us as the green, singing frogs, with bows on our necks and he, as the head of the frog community. As he instructs, we swap places. As he points, we produced sounds.
The whole group of us filled the second row of the lecture theatre and he stood in front of the first row. I held my scores pretty high so that I don't see his amusing actions but it turned out to be worse. When it was our turn to sing, he made a swift 180 degree turn of his body from the other side to cue us in and his fingers seemed apparently BIG when they were right in front of my eyes. His hair was, once again in a mess. Musicians style?
I got a scare out of my life and could control no more; bursted out into laughters. Yet, I had to sing, so I was like a can of fizzy drink being shaked at that moment.
I wonder if my other choir mates experience the above, but seriously, I am someone who likes to laugh heartily when something amuses me. So..no offence!=X
But, on my left hand side, I saw poor Rachel. Mr Hu, was right in front of her and once again, he used his fingers but this time, 8 cm more and he will be rubbing her nose-.- As he points, he sang "ho....." (it should be oh by the way).
He taught us some countings and I can vivdly remember what he says as he claps..
Mr Hu: This count is at the upple-beat.
In my mind: huh??
What's Apple beat?!!
Gosh.. Well, I must admit, he does have talents in this field. One thing I don't like about his style it's the way he conducts and him speaking in mandarin but I am still going to put in my best for choir!! And till I get used to him, hopefully I won't laugh my head off again. Neither do I wish to hear apples again.
One thing for sure, I miss June. I think all of us do. But we all know that things will never be the same again... For now, we are taking one step at a time.
Shayna sang @ 8:23 AM