Term 2 is a dash. Of studies and cca. Well, the week is going to end soon whilst I still thought term 2 has just started.
So far..no good!
It started with choir, to be more specific, a meeting with our new conductor-Mr. Hu. We were all rather excited about meeting this guy actually.
So much for first impression being important, he asked if he could talk to us in Mandarin(he's not a local by the way) and the few of us nodded. Few lines after his self-intro, he stretched his right hand towards the left of his head and....er..stratched his head.
My brows gave a frown uncontrollably.
His hair was kinda in a mess now.
Well, and he continued yaddling whilst our ears stayed open. Mine tried too. Despite scoring distinction for Chinese, I couldn't understand several terms of his and it made me ponder...did the MOE gave me the wrong cert? Oh well, I guess it's really the difference of culture between countries.
Anyway, when I wanted to talk to him, my brain kinda jammed up.B'cos I gotta translate what I want to express into chinese and there were terms that were really too challenging for me, you know. After all the pausing to think of words, the stammerings, the brains or ours trying to be bilingual for that 2 hour or so, the meeting ended.
I had mixed emotions, really don't know how I should be feeling at that point in time. Happy or sad, I felt both actually.
The cca fair yesterday was...(I have no idea how to descibe it). The number of people who signed up for choir was so much lesser than what we had during the first three months and in fact, very much lesser than the other CCAs. Basically, most of the j1s swarmed towards the "sports area" where you have to squeeze your way through and yet, the alley in front of us was... filled with air. It's rather disappointing to see such a scenario after putting in so much time and effort to make the posters and necessary arrangements. Anyway, Celina and I took turns to sing, since we were beside the AVAC booth and I was happy that my friends were there to support me!!=) *thanks*
The maths test today...? I think I'll just score a single digit over 30=X Didn't really study for it since I wanted to focus on choir this week. Once again, the weekends are here, coupled with the list of work to be done, written at the Friday space of my notebook.
And it's only at weekends that I get to recoup the losses of my beauty sleep=) For now, SLEEP FIRST, then work.
Shayna sang @ 3:18 PM