Monday Blues are here, again.
And no doubt, it's irritating syptoms made me restless and lethargic for a good 8 hours. Boy oh boy, and the lessons starting a week ain't getting my brains working at all. With Mrs. Chan's math lecture that is TOO peaceful, a stark contrast of Mr Lee. Followed by 2 hours of brain- draining economics and 2 hours of General Paper that acted like a lullaby, sending everyone's heads go lower and lower, such that it finally lands on the tables.
It's finally a week that's going to be without any test. How nice. But next week, the big killer Organic Chemistry Paper awaits me.
God Bless.
Anyway, just to start the week with something fun!
How many people do these legs belong to?
*keep in tune for the ans*=)
Shayna sang @ 4:58 PM