To me, the gains of keeping a dog are:
1. It keeps me company
2. It acts as a anti-depressant by giving me a warm welcome when I reached home. In a way, it helps me to get rid of the stress or fatigue that I have at the end of every school day.
3. It forms part of my recreational activity=X
4. It plays hide-and-seek with me. Er..not really actually, it’s the other way round. I hide, he seek!
5. He acts as the “doorbell” except that this doorbell does not produce melodious music.
6. He’s the security guard here in the house!:)
7. Teach him tricks and be proud of yourself! So far, Habin is capable of “sit”, “stay”, “up”, “left hand and right hand”, “hi-5”, lying down and turning upside down, responding to numbers 123 etc!
as for the disadvantages...
1. He gets really mischievous and does his business in areas other than the toilet=.=
2. He demands for bread or a “food company”(that's me, to sit down beside him during his dinner time) by barking and he won't stop until he gets what he want from me.
3. The high cost of owing a dog. For your information, dogs' grooming are more expensive than that of humans. One grooming session cost $50…how much do you cut your hair for?
4. I feel guilty for not having enough time to keep him company in return.
Well, just thought of listing out what I feel about this matter since many dogs had been brought to SPCA per year, which is totally inhumane when owners abandoned their dogs out there to survive on its own.
Just this morning at 4 plus, Habin barked non-stop ferociously when everyone else including him should still be asleep. My mum woke up and checked the corridors to see if there was anyone, but she gathered nothing. Guess what, when she walked to the balcony window and take a look down at the carpark, she saw numerous police cars, fire engines and the “red rhino”!!
It turned out that one unit on the 18th storey was on fire and there was a big commotion on that storey!! Living on the 15th storey, Habin was able to hear and detect that something was wrong and attempted to alarm us by barking and barking, but the piggy me was undisturbed by him though=X You should now understand why I said he' s the security guard of my house, don’t you?

My macho boy=P
Shayna sang @ 9:23 AM