It's my first try!!
Any idea what I attempted doing?
I think it's like asking you to pinpoint out a small particle of the whole universe.
Actually, it's nothing great, just my first try helping to groom Habin since his fur coat is getting long and I did it with a charged shaver and a pair of scissors. It was not as challenging as I thought of it to be,with the co-operation of the "victim" himself. He willingly sat down on the newspapers and stone while I breezed the shaver through his golden plus black coloured fur unorderly. Although occasionally, he starts to fidget and refuse to let me trim certain areas. Still, down his cheeks and the lower part of his legs, I used the scissors and tried my best to trim away the uneven ends. Imagining myself as a hair-dresser, or more appropriately, a dog-groomer, and Habin as the customer, I applied the skills that I have learnt secretly from my salon experiences which were hell for me most of the times.
Unfortunately, the shaver went off half way....yet so much for being a charged shaver.
So now comes to the crux of today's entry, how's the result?

This was before..
What about after?

And these are after!!
Sidetracking a little, the spring-cleaning of my room made me realised the stuffs I had can be categorised into mainly 3 communities-Eeyore, bears and dolphins and they are as follows:

The eeyore fanatics!!

my strong fate with bears; my favourite of all is still Me-to-You bearie=)
I forgot about the dolphins one=X
Now that Common Test is over, I have only 2.5 days more to judgement days when tutors give us back our scripts. 2.5 you know, I can't believe the holidays are ending. shucks.
Shayna sang @ 11:01 AM