People who are older than me and been through this say things like...
"Os are nothing, experience the As and you know what I mean"
"A level is a killer"
and the lamenting goes on. Frankly speaking, I didn't take those to heart when I heard them initially, but now, I want to grab some juniors and lament to them instead.
It's been barely a week and I can't seem to see an end to studying and seriously, I once worry that I might not be able to take the stress in JC and just have a mental breakdown. Though I don't study 24/7, the thought of how much work and revision to clear makes me feel like going crazy. It's one month more to prelims, then a month or so after that, it's the most important examination that I will be dealing with. I can't believe this.
scream for me too!
Well, the only incentive for toiling non-stop is the days after my last paper and I kept telling myself that, that very day will come soon, soon enough before I get admitted into the IMH! GIVE ME STRENGTH, ENCOURAGEMENT AND FUEL!:)
Just to mention something out of curriculum, my kor was reading this from a website yesterday and I almost puked out my dinner whilst he was describing.
Are you a lover of Sugercane juice aka "kam jia zhui"? If you are, you better think twice before ordering them again the next time you eat out. It was reported that sugarcane drink is the most unhygienic drink. Sugarcanes are able to absorb water and being left at the corners of the seemingly old drink stalls in kopitiams, they take in whatever liquid that flows in its way-washing water with detergent, washing water of the used cups, the disgusting liquid transported by stall-holders themselves from the washrooms...worse of all, the urine of cats that lurk here and there in kopitiams.
By consuming the kam jia zhui, we are indirectly drinking the urine of cats! There was one Indian lady who was pregnant but later on had a miscarriage. Doctors found out that there were a lot of cats' urine in her stomach and indeed, it turned out that she loves sugarcane juice.
My family and I have been drinking a mug of it every weekend for 4-5weeks or so, it irks me to think of how much cats' urine I have in my stomach.
However, I must admit that this juice is yummy! perhaps due to the seasoning from the urine:X
I shall drink it no more in future.
Goodbye kam jia zhui!
Shayna sang @ 8:18 PM