
Me, Myself and I! ♥

19 September 1988 (:

lOVeS ♥

baby tasmania
retail therapy :)
white chocolates
yam mochi :)
ice lemon tea
To SING!:)
pasta :P
white bags:))
strawberry milkshake!:))

get chitty chatty! :) ♥


My Friendster
My Mulitply
Hui Ling
Jia Hui
Jia Min
Qiu Jie
Sou Mun
Xiao Hui
Xiao Qian
Yu Han
Zhen Jie
Zhi YAo

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Thursday, May 31, 2007

muscles, they are forming.

*nua onto chair comfortably and starts blogging*

Night cycling with Common Voices(nana, zhenjia, zhengjie, song nian, shiang jing) last night! ;) As usual, uploading from blogger can't work=/ So pardon small pictures.
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Our starting point was East Coast Park and we passed by places like...

nicoll highway
marina square
bugis-liang seah street
plaza sing
some roller-skating rink in town

Stopped at liang seah street for some hong kong food =)
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It was my first time cycling on roads. It used to be cycling on bicycle tracks then u-turn when we reach the end etc. My oh my, the vehicles are really intimidating=/ You can feel moving buses and cars so close beside you. VRRROOOM!!! The vehicles all go and I was consciously trying to cycle like in within the double yellow lines boundary.

Traffic lights, I dreaded them last night. Whenever I see a flickering green man, I will hesitate whether or not to go forward. Then we were at this junction and I continued to cycle when it was a flickering green man. I ended up getting horned by some impatient driver. I was like in the middle of the road, cycling and that driver wanted to step on the accelerator already. then POOOORRHHH!!! I got a shock out of my life lur. So frightening!!! =/

*faint in horror*

We even climbed up the duck tour bus/boat parked outside suntec. ahaha..so cool huh..it's for free!! Cos it was illegal=/
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I like it especially when we were on the return trip back, when we were on the look-like-highway road. No cars, and zheng jie was pushing me without me peddling(while he cycles very fast); I just had to control the direction and WEEEE~~~ off we went, zooming at some lightning speed on our bikes on the empty road, with the wind and the nice weather. ahaha...I like this "stunt"! =) So ci ji, but I was worried that I may fly out of the bike and end up like zhou cong qing=/ That was 4 plus in the morning I think, at some empty road of Singapore.

Then tried the double bike( I sat at the back). I screamed my lungs out countless times also=/ I don't even dare to put my feet on the peddles on several occasions cause they were turning at breakneck speed. I was worried that my legs would be entangled you know!

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When we reached east coast park, everyone was tired, rested a bit, cycled a bit, rested, cycled. Returned our bikes and took cab home. The cab is so comfortable that I fell asleep in it. home sweet home =)

After the cycling, I think my legs are even more swollen with muscles-_-"
My legs are stiff.
My pi gu pain.
My shoulders ache.

Shayna sang @ 9:42 AM