Prom PIcS=)
Work recently has been pretty fine all thanks to the 3 wonderful colleagues whom I got to know of during the roadshow. Though they are from another dept(seated right behind mine) , but lunch with them is always something that I look forward to.
It is so much better than lunch-ing with the OSC aunties who eats in a rush down at the cafeteria in The Strategy, next squeeze with the crowd for the lift up, then get back to their working area and start their fingers and eyes working. -_____-"
Lunching with Vyvian, E Lin and Gladys is a totally different story. We chat during lunch hours and occasionally make our way to other places. Afterwhich, if anyone of us needs to, we will do a little shopping before strolling back to office. How nice! That's how I think lunch should be! :)
Oh! and 2 of them bought me a little souvenier from Taiwan last week despite knowing me for only barely a week, ain't they sweet? :)
alright, I gotta go work soon! =/
Shayna sang @ 8:50 AM