phew, and a week had past yet again.
Anyway, JJC is bent on setting a world record on 31 Aug- Imagine us being labelled "The biggest yoga display from JJC" !!
-_-" Seriously, I don't mind not being part of this. I can't imgaine the turn-out rate that day and if it's really bad, I think Mr. Jega(the teacher who teaches yoga) is going to cry 'cos he wouldn't be able to fulfil his wish. We had a couple of mass rehearsals so far and like no others, Mr Jega claps his hand at the end of every rehearsals and shouts into his mic with an indian accent, "That's it! We are in the record books already!"
He gets so excited at the thought of it. I can't imagine how he will react if things were to turn out not as what he and the school expected, since he had been planning this since last year.
Meanwhile, quite a large group of students chose to opt out of this event due to religious matters but Mr Koh(principal) is......going overboard. He gave them a great railing down on wed and caused them to miss the 1st hour of lesson. Though not being part of the group, I thought a principal shouldn't behave this way. Instead, he should have respected students' views and not try to make them think that they are in the wrong for not joining the mass display.You will only understand what I mean if you are a jjcian.
Anyway, this is a peek into my performance back then at Talentime...=)

I chose the nicest photos of all the not-so-nice photos of course.
PS:CV concert tonight!:)
Shayna sang @ 8:19 AM