hello there!
felt horribly oily on reunion dinner day because I spent so much time in the kitchen helping mummy to cook, but the experience being a busy bee is great nonetheless.
uncle's kids(mummy's side).
dad's cousins' kids.
my cousins.
all in all there were 10 kids at my house yesterday during housevisit, was bustling with the crowd at the later half of the day. All of a sudden I felt like my house was a kindergarten. haha.
the day was overall pretty boring with all the helping-out with mummy, entertaining the guests excluding adoring all the bubbly kids, mostly from dad's side.
thankupiggy for being such a great entertainer. LOL.
ok, photos another day yea. off to bai nian at granny's house!
angbaos! MOREMORE!
Shayna sang @ 11:49 AM