CV's very own PENSION!!!!! LOL. they'll be singing TENSION's 我们的故事, which pretty much explains the name PENSION-old&rich? hahhahahaha.
but I tell you!! the song is SOOOOOOOOOOO NICEEEEEEEEE!!!!
ladies who will be attending the concert, you are so gonna be mesmerised by CV's PENSION! :)))
and I won't be surprised to hear girls screaming "偶像!!!"
cos I'll be the first!! :))
Fatimah made me laughed till I cried over dinner last night; never met anyone so comical in my life before. Then I saw his msn window popping up with "大家好。。。我们是。。。PENSION!"
I almost died in front of the laptop, laughing!
Nonetheless, I'm gonna say, 加油, PENSION!;)
happy belated burfday, song nian!! :)
hahahah I don't know what they were doing, but shujun looks squishsquashsquush-ed there.
heh, 5 more days!:))
Shayna sang @ 10:41 AM