my brother doesn't know how to use the toaster apparently.
he's such a MCP that he usually refuses to do the housework. Even simple cleaning of dishes he leaves it to my mum; I think he will grow up to be a male chauvinist pig!
so back to the toaster.
He was trying to heat up this curry puff and I don't know what he did actually.
The house smells CHAO-DA now.
and he got a black 'curry pok' in the end.
hahahah alright, I know I am evil, but I laughed like crazy when he showed me the end product.
tsk :P I think you can imagine.
yesterday he did something silly too; the result of being overly spoon-fed.
kor and I broke into laughing fits lur.
I need some entertainment before I go bonkers!!
Shayna sang @ 5:59 PM