Considering the eclectic spectrum of food that I have in my stomach right now, I am gonna forgo dinner tonight.
Let's see, from the time when I woke up this morning. I have consumed the following: a glass of milk, bread, nice home-cooked lunch, doughnut, yakult, countless lozenges, and don't know how many glasses of water.
wow. what a list. just looking at this is....enough.
I am starting to have erratic eating habits, which I desperately need to put a stop to before I turn pig, coupling with my sleeping disorder.
I really don't know what's happening to me.
I am down with a horrible throat, which explains the popping of countless lozenges because apparently none of them are working on me. And the feeling is horrible. I would presume that I gotta pop some ice cubes into my mouth before I will get to sleep tonight :(
it's 2 weeks to end-sem exam. gosh.
I finally packed everything today, after much procrastination.
Biology notes are the cleanest, because I have only been diligently going for lectures for the first half of this sem. Every scientific term feels like an alien to me. So considering there are millions of scientific terms in that stack of notes I have in my room, I need to battle the millions of aliens.
the worse thing is, I gotta do it in slightly lesser than 3 weeks.
*grabs hair in the hair*
but thank god, bio's the last paper.
one more month :(((
I am hooked on 平常心
Shayna sang @ 6:41 PM