Adeline just aged by a year today.
HAppy BUuuuRfDAy, fellow sotong! :))
Now, I can start from how pamela and I prepared her birthday gift. We had planned to meet at Chinatown Point on Sunday to get her some hello kitty gift from this particular shop. I was early and for a moment I thought I was in Little India *_*
I can't dwell into the details, but the experience was freaky.yea, that precisely sums it all.
So happy 3 friends went off after Bio lect today to celebrate ade's birthday! :))
After loitering for a little while, I told both that I need to go off already, but in fact I went to get Adeline her bdae cake! ;)
and that blur ade didn't suspect anything AT ALL.
I must have been a good actor; either that or she's really BLUR.
anyway, speaking of blur, I actually sent the message meant for pam to ade instead! Good thing she didn't read it before we gave her the surprise though =p now, the blur's calling the blur, blur.
and so, ade was blindfolded before she got her cake.
she was also required to answer questions before she got her actual gift and card :))
she got forfeited la duh! and she ended up looking unglam on her birthday. oops! >.<>
Hehehhe. look at all our cheeky faces :P
and loads of cam-whoring of us three at vivo rooftop :))
ohOH! notice the three pictures of us at the middle left of the collage above? We made our wishes for the wishing sphere at Science fac today. Look at all our wishes! :)
This was at central forum. Ade wrote her wishes for us! wahhaha :)
okay, for the remaining pictures I have no idea which collage to 'chap' them into. LOL.

and the headache is making me feel worse.
Shayna sang @ 11:36 PM