went to the zoo two days ago with a few of my fellow uniclassmates.
I am too lazy to type the nitty grittys; so just photos will do yea.
zoorangers of the day: pamela,me,jensen,zhouchu,nini(zc's sis), rachel&nicholas nini is such a sweetie pie; look at how happy she was feeding the kangaroos! hahah she's only 10 years old and she so made me wish I had a sister! :( yea, just look at that greedy face. Not mine.
BIG FAT NOSTRILS. Komali's the name of an elephant. wahaha. I can jump!
look at how terrified pamela was! >.< I still can't figure out what that is; it stinks anyhow.
frog in the air. HAHA! figure out the word? and then we JUMPED!
the heavy downpour didn't dampen our moods; so there we were, self-entertaining ourselves.