You'll never fail to feel good if you have got such a nice surprise!
uber nice card and a can of nescafe to last me through 6 dreadful hours of continuous lectures followed by 3hours of teaching today. I am some sort of braindead now.
soooo swwwweeeT of you lur :))
school has been terrible.
school has been boring.
school has been terribly boring.
but chitchats and messages during lectures made them less torturous to sit through.
and we made a trip to the arts canteen today. hohoho..didn't realise it's so near to bizad. I can drop by to lunch with besties SOON!
arts canteen really look 1000times better than the pathetic one we have in bizad.
bright, clean, many many stalls. I wished bizad's can take a 180 degree makeover.
come on quek(bizad vice dean), you need to channel more time to think about how you can improve on the lousy canteen than sitting in your office typing long emails to flood our inbox-es.
there's no school tomorrow, I am ultra happy at the thought of that :))
ohoh I so wanna watch SECRET!! any fellow jaychou fans popping by? :(
Shayna sang @ 10:55 PM