Dear fellow people,
the next time you see flaggers on street, please do not disregard their presence and treat them as if they were plastic sheeta, because flaggers like me feel hurt and dejected whenever you treat them in such hostile manner.
give a smile or at least say "It's okay" if you do not wish to donate; it doesn't use up all your energy hur. Ignoring the person's presence when he/she is by your side talking to you is the most idiotic act you can ever give, seriously.
Walking away before the person can finish his/her line is nowhere better, by the way!!
The day started with meeting the Tanjong Pagar crowd early in the morning at 7am, when we officially start to flag. People were generally still in their sleeping mode, including flagger Miss Shayna here! oops=X gradually the crowd got less friendly as 9o'clock came, when the late tortoises(hahaha!) struggle to reach their offices in time. Some were kind enough to donate though:)))
Saw this old uncle who set up his mini performance stall where we were standing around and started walking around in his clogs(to create sound effects), juggling two balls and blowing his harmonica. But apparently, people couldn't be bothered with him lur.
But adeline and I donated some money from him though, hopefully we made that uncle happy:)
You get to see all sorts of people while flagging.
1. friendly people who willingly donate. Smile, and say 'no problem' after you thanked them:))
2. the doubtful group who pops the first question of "NKF ah?" *shrugs*
3. I-can't-see-you group who totally treat flaggers like plastic. GRRRRR. As if their smiles are worth millions of dollars.
4. NUS bizad seniors who recognise us by our red bands on wrist.
5. can-siam-then-siam. they make detours when they spot us flaggers from afar. GIAM SIAP!
so my group walked to raffles place area where IT WAS TOTALLY FLOODED. and people can't be bothered with flaggers generally.
sadded sadded sadded:(
was pretty demoralised at some point in time and then came this exNUS bizad guy who dugged out two handfuls of coins from his pocket for us and encouraged us to go on. so nice hur! :)))
wasn't feeling well later in the evening. crowds and crowds. They stir my giddy spells and made me feel like puking, so in the end I couldn't take it anymore and went off first>.<
zzzz. oh, that's it for the night, I desperately need to rest.

when we were too demoralised hur..
teehee.. :)))
Shayna sang @ 11:50 PM