I say...

So yeah, I got a fujitsu today.
though it still costs me a bomb hur, will pay mum back by instalments. hahaha =P
I am such a computer idiot, seriously. People look for specifications, I look for design instead. LOL. Vaio only had 1 year warranty, how miserly!! So I couldn't get the PINK vaio at sim lim sq. But saw the extendable warranty for vaio at Harvey Norman when we were on the way back.
but oh well, I saved 500 bucks for not buying vaio because you need to pay for the extended warranty.
Like I said, I will be happy with a lappie that functions like normal :)
Finally, I managed to get the union camp photos!
don't think I will putting them on my blog though, there's far too many of them lur.
I saw this and I laughed like mad.
It was a forfeit that I have to complete for playing some dumb mao mao game. As usual, I was slow, so I lost and there..I had to do something to satisfy the rest.

This has gotta win the most unglam and comical photo award of the year. I think I totally deserve that can!
LOL. Stop laughing, will you?
Shayna sang @ 12:11 AM