Last night was terrible. I couldn't get to sleep and think I slept at 3am. And I woke up at 830am this morning!!!!
Travelled to Harbourfront to meet my OG then travelled back to NUS for briefing. Not so bad, people came to befriend me.
then learnt some cheers already. There were these 2 girls who were going NTU, but came for NUS camp for good-knows-what reasons, they were so on already..started teaching us cheers. I wasn't in the mood to cheer, not warmed up lur.
And we spent the whole afternoon to do our identity stuffs. I painted! :P The red part is a picture of a samurai, for your info.
then went town to meet lm and eil to attend prahlad's (lm's friend) concert.
In a not-so-nice place. Pretty intimidating, we were quite freaked out=/

cigar smell is disgusting, seriously. It suffocates me and makes me stink.
Left early because I don't really like rock lah. Wanted to take a stroll myself at orchard but it feels so sian, so I changed my mind and head home instead.
When I am down...
I walked very slowly.
I listened to all the EMO songs.
I hugged the mrt pole like a koala bear.
I craved for chocolates.
I walked in the rain.
I felt SIAN.
and I am still feeling sian now lur.
tomorrow's gonna be an even more Siannnnnnnnn day.
Oh my god.
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Shayna sang @ 10:38 PM