Met rachael for some snacks this afternoon(or rather last afternoon) to let her sign LiMing's card :P hahaha..I will post pictures of it in my next entry!
wahahaha..pastamania's banana desert pizza is really fit for "sweet tooth"s :):)
then went bugis to meet mh. Had dinner at Lerk Thai. The food took F.O.R.E.V.E.R to come, they wanna starve me to death! But it's still nice la..I like :) I meant the food :P
tsk tsk, duh I didn't come back empty-handed lur.
I found a top to replace the tube dress I miss sorely :):):) and I have an urge to wear it NOW. okay, I shall wear it tomorrow to satisfy myself.
*big grins*
Got earrings too. yayness! :):):)
And mh was complaining that I repeated one particular line for many many times (not a lot lah) throughout the whole evening. shhh..I can't tell you anything more than that=P
and it's past 12 already. 16th June 2007.
I tagged on her blog, I left comment on her friendster and I msg-ed her. Wahahaha, my birthday wishes for her are everywhere and that includes my blog too! So here goes to Lm! :)
Happy birdday to you!
happy birdDAY to you!
Happy birdDay to Li Ming,
happy Birthday to YOU!!!! :):)
And I do hope you will like the birthday gifts we got for yoU yeah! ;)
alrighty, it's the dreadful-meet-new-people-session tomorrow. I am dreading it really. Shall update you all on how it goes soon yeah.
and it's lm's friend's band's concert tomorrow at orchard towers. With lm and her friend. haha..I will be lost in some part of town if you ask me to go myself. LM meet me somewhere first!!!!!=P
Shayna sang @ 11:51 PM