Bought my white nail polish! ahaha..told you I am in love with white.
And then I tried doing my "DIY french manicure" for many many times after several failed attempts because I spoil my nails before they dry. So, yes, I made myself sit down for a pretty long time last night so that my nails have some sufficient time to be dried.
I concluded that I am a left-brain person because my right hand paints well, but not my left. So it's like I use my right hand to paint left nails and left hand to paint right nails. The latter was a disaster. tremble tremble when I painted the white tip, so I re-painted them until I was satisfied with the not-so-nice-but-ok-nails.
I wanna get some more nail polish and start drawing on my nails. But my left hand can't paint. how?
I had a terrible horrible watever-ble nightmare last night. And the first thing I did when I woke up this morning was to look at myself in the mirror, before I was convinced that it was not a nightmare came true. phew!!
IT's TUESDAY! Meeting lm after teaching later:) Hope I can find a nice pairs of heels! I wanna buy another tube top! :P
And I agree that ladies' stuffs are relatively cheaper than guys'. A plain-colour tube top only cost 10 bucks lur. Match it with either skirt/ pants/shorts and we are all ready to go anywhere!
ah, retail therapies, how much I love them :)
Shayna sang @ 10:57 AM