Okay, I couldn't resist to the tempations of shopping today and I bought clothes again.
Yah..again, but it's not enough yet because I am going to have a wardrobe revamp, remember? =P
On the train back, I asked mummy if she wanna go drink at Coffee Bean WM and she said she should buy a slice of cake since it was her birthday, and I told her the fact that I got a cake for her already and will be collecting later on. hahahah..she couldn't stop gleeing from ear to ear after that lur.
and yeah, collected the cake, bought a stalk of daisy and secretly kept it in my bag=P Chose a pink one, cos it's my favourite colour! Muahahaha :) Gave it to her before I sang the birthday song for her:) Cos 2/5 of the family weren't around and didi don't sing=/

wahahaha..I want some pictures with the PINK daisy too! =P
Anyway, I have deleted my blogshop already. It's so sian to always see my email inbox being so empty everyday and I am sick of checking it and getting no results. The waiting kills. BAH..so that's the end of it.
Overall a pretty good experience though, painting shoes and earning a little money. I will still continue painting though, if anyone wants me to help you personalise your shoes, that is ;) Thank you, for lending me your support, either through your suggestions, ideas or through your orders.
I appreciate them all this while:)
Shayna sang @ 9:59 PM