Yesterday was great, days with them never fail to be happening and fun. First we went to shop for grace's birthday gift which will be coming next week, but we will only celebrate the week after as per the birthday girl's request. And we made plans for the coming weeks! Hopefully, next weekend we can go clubbing(I have never been to any before cos I heard of the complexity of people etc..Worse, people smoke there-_-" no offence, but I just can't stand the smoke.) I hope it will be an eye-opener though, hopefully the guys will be available to join us, if not I will be super duper intimidated if we are the only ones there.=/
So, after we walked till our legs wanna give up already, we settled at Plaza Sing's Swensens and pretty much indulged in cam-whoring sessions again, the products are pretty obvious shown above!!
I always love this kinda catching-up sessions and we always talk like we have never seen each other for one or two years, can you imagine? wahaha..yay, these girls rock my life! =D
MSN messenger is on a strike and refuses to work. URGH! Most probably you won't get to see me online for months I supposed? until my kor sees the need to use his MSN then he will do some maintenance. I will be so mean to say that because I am such a computer idiot, I cannot do anything to solve this.
Shayna sang @ 4:53 PM