
Me, Myself and I! ♥

19 September 1988 (:

lOVeS ♥

baby tasmania
retail therapy :)
white chocolates
yam mochi :)
ice lemon tea
To SING!:)
pasta :P
white bags:))
strawberry milkshake!:))

get chitty chatty! :) ♥


My Friendster
My Mulitply
Hui Ling
Jia Hui
Jia Min
Qiu Jie
Sou Mun
Xiao Hui
Xiao Qian
Yu Han
Zhen Jie
Zhi YAo

Missed some entries? ♥

you are listening to...♥

Friday, May 11, 2007

BAH!!!!!!! I just typed out the whole entry, clicked publish and in the end, it became a blank entry.

zzz, okay, it's not the first time anyway. Blogger seems to be not a very good blog system, or is it just my account?

The last time I looked at the clock last night this morning, it showed 2.25am. I had no idea how come even after one hour or so of tossing and turning on bed, listening to music etc, I STILL COULDN'T SLEEP. Eventually when I slept, god knows what time it was already. I used to be the must-sleep-before-11-kind, if not I won't be able to last through the day. But, things changed since I stopped working full-time.

Habin was trying to wake me this morning at 830am. Much as I was so reluctant to get out of bed, I couldn't tahan his stratchings on the door. Stratch..stop..stratch..stop... (each time the stratches gets louder). okay, so of course I surrendered and woke up in order to save that poor door.

Somethings to show you! (what I found while cleaning up my room just now)
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This was from Calverk(er..I think the year before last?) It's a carved flower made up of soap. Really exquisite. Exquisite gifts are a big headache though, cos they can't be used and I can only take them out to admire once in a while.

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This was from two choir juniors:) It says " I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU!" when you press it. SO SWEET LUR~

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The wrapper already makes me happy, because there's EEYORE! :)

ta-da, the content!
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No idea why I like eeyore so much, though it's always so glum. Probably because I am always like that too?

Oh, and I happened to see my kindergarten report booK! *ahem* Miss Chng here was actually quite a intelligent kid some years back you know!? Just look at her scores~
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BAH, but I guess every kid in their kindergarten days scores marks that are like this la.

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Did you see that?! DID YOU DID YOU? A+ for this weird component of "enjoy singing"! :) I think I should have got A +++

It's hilarious and ridiculous at the same time to see your form teacher commenting on how you look in your progress report, don't you think??
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It says "Yin Sing's beautiful smile and jovial personality never fails to brighten up one's day....."


That was for one term. Guess what he wrote for the next?
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"...and definitely a charming smile"


Anyway, I found someone who can be more excited than me at the thought of singing KBOx!!! :) So I am not the only siao one heh :P Thinking about that, I wanna sing KBOX!!!!! anyone wants to join me?? :(

Shayna sang @ 3:05 PM