So, I went for my swim after cooking dinner last evening. What was for dinner? Yong tau foo noodleS! :)wahaha..mummy commented that it was tasty and she didn't look like she was just giving me a passing remark! ;)
Then met some of cv people at jj market to chit-chat since I am so bored cooping myself at home. You know what, it was so near JJ and I was in the OGL shirt + FBT shorts that I felt like going back JJ to run on the tracks!! I think you would think I am mad.
Anyway, will be catching up with my besties this Saturday to celebrate Ms Grace's birthday! hahaha..Saw the comment that Li Ming left for me this morning on friendster.
LM: quickly rush from choir prac to join us k :D
Yeah yeah, it always feels great to see these girls! =) and so far we have been meeting every weekend for 3 weeks already! :)
Back to Grace's gift..some pictures of it! :) *I hope she doesn't pop over here till saturday*
AW..the very cute and sweet card that we've got for her! =)
I realised, being a guy is better, in terms of freedom. Because you won't get to have any curfews and parents tend to be more lenient with their son staying out late than their daughter staying out late.
And it's worse when I am the only daughter my parents have. There are just more restrictions than a guy would have.
1. No late nights home unless I am accompanied by someone. (actually I am also quite scared myself la! ahaha..cos my estate becomes so so quiet when 11 pm struck). My neighbours are not happening people. So when I reach home after 11pm, the badminton court will be dark and deserted; a few stray cats walk by. I can imagine, if any of the cats run towards me, I will be so uber scared that I will dash my way home from the badminton court! Occasionally there are dubious figures walking around which adds on the fear in me when I go home late at night.
2. No late nights home and thus no late nights out.
3. Mum doesn't allow me to go swim alone. But yeah, I am trying to convince her that I will be fine etcetc.
Unless someone builds a running track near my house, I will not be going for any runnings and you will see me in the pool instead because I don't want to start accumulating fats at home >.<
Anyway, I realised I have been coming up with this negative impression of guys who clubs a lot. No offence to anyone of you out there.. But if you are a guy and come tell me that you like to club. My mind functions automatically and link you with those guys whom I saw and met at MOS the other day. So, I won't have a very nice impression of you. Oh no..I don't know why either!!!!! =/
Alright, so much being said, it's back to being a domestic helper. DON'T call me MARIA!
Shayna sang @ 11:12 AM