There..my lil' cousin-Cason!!=)
I had a good Sat morning to make me forget about the dilemma temporary. Breakfast with aunt's family and "market-ing" with aunt and mum at Giant. More so, I was a trolley-pusher, free labour for Cason, but I was more than willing=)
He sat on the seat as I pushed him around, whizzing through the Saturday crowd. We had some really fun time as his giggles filled the air after my wonderful "tickling skills". *grinS*
His sis was in another trolley pushed by their father. Both trolley met, with a distance of approximately 3metres.
Before I could stop him...
"chE che!!!" He Roared for his sister.
I think the earth shook.
Eh..no, it didn't actually, but eyes at the vicinity were focused on Cason and his trolley-pusher-me-_-" I wanted so much to dig a hole and stick my head in. *LauGHs*
The worse thing was..he did that several times. Yep.."roaring" in the supermarket!! For his mum, sis or dad. And those were the number of times people stared surprisingly at me. Kids...
Nonetheless, I still love Cason!! He's so ke ai=)
But...At the end of the day, I have to find a solution to my dilemma. Should I go?
Shayna sang @ 2:34 PM