Give them some time to load ya?? Be patient! Hee...

Cutting ThE CAke my ClasS bought For Me...!! *WisH fulfiled*=)

At PAStaManIa waitiNG foR fooD...


PIzzA for US!

With ExTRA pineappLe foR Me~~* gRINs *

QuiCK!! take the PIc..iF not my saliva's gonna cum dripping out!!~

Hmmmnn..And so..what was for dessert that day??

WHat's in the boX?? BomB??!!

*drum rolls*... ANd... Ta-da!!! It's "Strawberry Sweetheart"=)=)=)

And there I was..working on it.

Yup..You's really nice with layers of yogurt, ice-cream and cake!! Oohlala~~

ThE caRd from 05s24..=)

And..this is the inside!!

Aww...So sweet HUH ?? I KNOW!=P

And thE wondERful gifts FRom My BEstest FRienD..Mrs Obasan Ng Miao Hui=X
I am 17!! *smiLes*
Shayna sang @ 3:29 PM