time's passing like a snail whenever I want it to pass asap.
been a torturous 2 hours ever since I started idling in school; cos I have a meeting at 6pm you see and project ended at 2pm.
so yea, precisely why I am trying to kill time here.
by facebooking and blogging, apart from trying to clear my backlogged work.
anyway, it feels horrible everytime I look at the calendar.
Here's why:
it's less than 2 weeks to study week
it's less than 3 weeks to final semester exams!
it's less than a month before everything for this sem ends.
gosh, one part of me can't wait for my last paper to come.
yet the other part of me knows I am totally unprepared for everything and wished time can just slow down a little for me to catch up.
on hand, there is FNA project, MNO presentation, OM presentation and computing presentation.
urgh, i can't wait for all these to end.
Shayna sang @ 4:32 PM