LOLOLOLOL. look at that!
I am at the campus's central library posting this entry, half freezing. LM and another csschoir senior(what a small world, they know each other too!) are sitting in front of me but I am still msn-ing with LM.
HAHAHAHA. LM was smiling to herself and I wanna laugh looking at her!
I am supposed to get my marketing assignment done. Or rather, I planned to get it done. But apparently, I am still far from completion.
But, it's too early for my lethargic brain to work on a Saturday morning. I need more sleep. Feels weird when I do work/study in a dead quiet environment; thank godness I brought my earphones :))
okay, I better squeeze some stuffs out for the assignment before we are off for lunch and for hip hop! =)
Shayna sang @ 11:06 AM