UPdates on my genting trip! :)
The way up...
As you might already know, the duration of travelling is long. Whilst on the seemingly never-ending expressways, it was all green..lineated with kilometres and kilometres of palm trees and vast areas of tropical rainforests. And I just can't helped being amazed by how high Genting is whilst looking down from the coach on our way up the meandering road. The tourists-filled place was just like Heaven, with the feel of cooling mist when you are at the outdoors.
Outdoor Theme Park
We got ourselves to try several rides, not the hiong ones that flip you here and there though=P Woo! And as you will see from the photos later on, Mum and Dad were pretty 'on' too! GO KART makes me tempted to take up driving courses. Bumper Boats-I shall hate them forever. I didn't know how to operate it and as the name suggests, the fun of it comes from bumping the other boats at the confined area, but instead, I kept bumping into the rock walls at the side-__-"
Alright, pardon me for the excitement. It was quite a fruitful trip..other than accessories, I made a wax figure of my hand and a caricature of myself(see pictures)
That's basically all!
As promised, the photos are up. Happy scrutinising! =P It's my first try at photo collage and it was done using some trial program, so kindly ignore the tag smacked in the middle of each collage heh? ;)

Shayna sang @ 12:14 AM