f you have been keeping a close connection with my blog hoping to read about how I celebrated my birthday, hen here's it!
Gosh, it was fantastic! Despite the prelims, I had a hell load of great time cutting cakes and chilling out when it ended.
On 19 sept itself:

isn't this lovely? it's from him!:)

of course I was uber-lated!!
Caught the movie "Little Man" and it was hilarious, a perfect movie for me to relax after weeks of mugging. Dinner was at Jack's place with a yummilicious and sweet plate of chicken&mushroom spaghetti(did I spell it right?)
ANd!! TOgether with jh, both of us went ZOOOOO-ing on friday:) The last time I ever stepped into it was in p4, and it was just barely 10m into the zoo where we had our lesson there. wow, it had changed much definitely and it has SO much to see now, from the free-ranging orang utans on top of our heads to the cows at animal playland(that seemed to be ill. oops!)
So here are the photos for the two days of fun!:)
The animals!
Primate Kingdom: Monkeys, all sorts of them. Black, golden, big-red-butt ones and the list goes on… There was this monkey which was resting on the branches with its tail hanging down. The lower end was white, the higher part black. Of approximately 1m in length, it looked like a calligraphy brush. I wondered what will happen if I light up the lower end, just like Tom(in Tom and Jerry) who always get burned. Haha!
Hamadryas Baboons: They belong to another species of monkeys, this one with fierce-looking faces and red buttocks. We were just in time for its feeding time. $2 and you get a plate of fruits/vegetables that you can throw to them and see how they ‘hop’ it. OOPs! I hit the head of one of it =X It was chaos actually because the older and bigger ones sit by the riverside awaiting your bananas/carrots. The smaller baboons don’t usually get the catch and they lose out. Whilst we stood there, we witness the fighting and protecting of young that these baboons display in an attempt to get food. Indeed, it was an eye-opener (photo in slide)
Fragile Forest: you get close experience with animals like mousedeer, ducks, bats(photo in slide), sloths, tree kangaroos and with insects such as butterflies which flutter here and there. Frankly speaking, stepping into the enclosed area was more of a terrifying experience for me than anything else. I had no wish to get so up-close to them, you know! Most of the time I was shunning here and there, because butterflies don’t fly straight. *haha!
Animal Playland: except for the poor cows that looked sick, you can see its rib and hip bones, all other animals seemed to remain as when I last saw them few years back.
Polar Bear: we waited and waited for it to come for a swim but it refused. Oh well…but I gained an insight! – polar bears have BLACK skins, if you didn’t know!
Animal Shows: At elephant of asia, it was raining coupled with lightning and the show was cancelled. However, we got to see the natural life of elephants at the zoo. Urinating of theirs is equivalent to a small waterfall of humans! =/ At shaw foundation amphitheatre, we managed to catch the wonderful sea-lion performing and it was such an intelligent and CUTE one, listening attentively to the trainers’ instructions and carrying them out without fail=)
wasn't that a great way of celebration?
All thanks to him!! *thank god I found him!*
*feeling oh-so-loved :)
Shayna sang @ 9:24 AM