JJC graduation night.
Firstly, I must say that it has been a real success for us. The night was filled with fun, laughter, and warmth.
I shall elaborate no more and go straight to present to you the photos=)

so cool..The signpost at Suntec City Convention Centre. Yvonne and I were so fascinated by it;)

Alison & me...

The choir..(position of "Inside your heaven") June is in white..

WAlking on Sunshine position..=)

Fly Me to the Moon position.

Our table..with two ex- jj seniors Ben and Alan..

My dance partner, Phil.

With our choir seniors who were so supportive of us!! During our performance, the whole group of them actually came right in front of the stage to support us=)
In my opinion, it was a success..no major fumbles at the very least, except that the microphones were too soft.
When we started "Fly Me to the Moon", I could see that many of the audiences were surprised by our "cha-cha" dance. Muaha..and of course, the dance for "walking on sunshine"=)
"Inside your heaven" was great too! We had free-style of singing, I meant hand-movements. I just felt as if I was a professional singer you know!! ha..
We did "yum seng" in chords!!!?? so cool=) As Ben said, all the other tables did the traditional yum seng, but we were different. Ha.As for the food..only mango sago could meet the mark>.< but who cares, the limelight of the night wasn't food, but being glamourous. Most females were glam..but for guys..er..some weren't in blazer you know. Oh my..
But somehow, I kinda miss singing and dancing with that choir after the performance. It's like our last performance together=( Perhaps it's desperation that caused this all. JJ choir need guys!! and perhaps in this big choir, I am finally able to hear full chords=)
well, I guess it's alright..I am glad for the experience and happiness gained afterall=)
Shayna sang @ 9:33 AM