I shall conclude that I am seriously deprived man, of all the nice tv shows in the world, cos
like how pathetic, the only channel that's working on the teeeveeee in that living room of ours is channel 8. oh well, and probably some other channels like suria and vasatham central that we don't watch at all.
like I saw how Mr C H TAN(=p) channel-surfed today with all my favourite documentaries and mtv channels, I so wished channel u and five would work at least.
anyway, I just went to give my horrible, thick, split-end-ed mane a good trim this afternoon.
haha the last time I visited a hairstylist for a haircut was..one year ago, cos usually haircuts turn out to be totally disastrous.
BUT, for the first time ever, I feel satisfied :))
with the hairstylist, with her compliments and her skills. hahaha, at least the mane doesn't look as if it's seriously malnutritious after some trimming.
then again, I hope the look isn't just temporary, cos as you know, they usually try to make you feel satisfied before you step out of the salon. So..No, I am praying hard I won't wake up tomorrow morning looking like a lioness!
let's say NO to monday blues as well.
another busyyyyyy beeee week ahead.
Shayna sang @ 11:11 PM