school's been boring.
only got to know that we had to hand up a group assignment for the first managerial econs tutorial on monday.
and the dateline was last thursday.
so the group met and discussed through, typed it and only to realise that the computer lab's computers can't read windows vista files.
I don't understand that mario's talking. He talks like a machine gun and mumbles to himself.
I was figuring out his first sentence when he's already on the next. Yes, I do know I work like a snail.
I think his mouthstache probably prevented the projection of his voice, that's why. FILTER, you know.
HAHAHA! ooops...=S
I think I have got some not so friendly classmates. SIAN.
only got to know that we had to hand up a group assignment for the first managerial econs tutorial on monday.
and the dateline was last thursday.
so the group met and discussed through, typed it and only to realise that the computer lab's computers can't read windows vista files.
I don't understand that mario's talking. He talks like a machine gun and mumbles to himself.
I was figuring out his first sentence when he's already on the next. Yes, I do know I work like a snail.
I think his mouthstache probably prevented the projection of his voice, that's why. FILTER, you know.
HAHAHA! ooops...=S
I think I have got some not so friendly classmates. SIAN.
anyway, adeline, pamela and I each got a "little miss late" tee at the bazaar the other day =))
okay, I desperately need to stop eyeing on those bazaar stuffs.

I can't wait for october to come.
no, I definitely ain't looking forward to the mid-term exams :(
but when my tutees get past their PSLE and their final year, then probably life will be so much easier for me.
I won't have to rush to their house after lectures to teach for 3 consecutive hours and drag my steps home.
but then again..I really need to teach.
sighsighsigh :(
I said I looked like a yellow banana going to school in that pinafore the other day>.<
I just painted my nails out of exasperation. of facing assignments.
tomorrow is dreadful thursday again. my oh my!
saturday come quick, I desperately need some leisure activities/form of entertainment in my life. HIP HOP's gonna rock, I hope :))
I don't really feel like talking, I have a sudden urge to SING!! :))
hurhur, this entry is seriously random.
my brain's a little wrong.
Shayna sang @ 11:50 PM