a few more hours to HOME! *jumps in delight*
seriously, I think I am a little homesick.
I miss my Habin.
I miss my comfy bed.
I miss homecooked food.
at this very moment, I am rotting in the hall whilst the student union com is giving some BORING talks. oh my..spare me, I am already sleepy enough as a matter of fact; have been sleeping like only for a few hours the last few nights.
I can't wait to get home.
I can't wait to get home.
I can't wait to get home!!! :):)
the world's really small.
In my OG, I actually meet YenYu's elder brother(hahaha..I am using his laptop to blog now :P) and another of csschoir senior. smallsmallworld.
alright, gotta stop now! tata~ =)
Shayna sang @ 11:31 AM