I was looking through my stuffs on the desktop and I chanced upon this..
or you can click here to view the video...http://www.clipshack.com/Clip.aspx?key=55B0141E20A6D34F
it was supposed to depict the problem of strong glare in people's daily life. The girl was unable to see the bus number plate due to the reflection caused by glare.. and so when she finally saw it when the bus is like very close to her, then she missed it.
stop laughing..(if you are)
this was for project work.
How embarassing, yet I personally felt that it was a good experience afterall=)
guess what..the cool black frames are hand-made; proudly made by me with the use of cardboard and some colouring materials!!
doesn't it looks as though it is part of the retro trend? *oh, shut up ys*
don't worry, I don't dress up like this in real-life ya?
A typical nerd..ha!
Shayna sang @ 2:16 PM